
Showing posts from 2011

As close as I get to New Year's Resolutions...

Things I've learned about being a pastor this year...

Lying to yourself on New Years instead of dying to yourself...

Beauty is in the eye of the "beer-holder", I mean beholder...

When God doesn't make things better...

Success = Biting your tongue off.

Daddy/Daughter Dance with Taylor (poem)...

Hitting the Ceiling, Hitting the Wall, Hitting the Floor...

Incremental before Exponential.

The Great Impact Leadership Team...

left with his name...

Adoption thoughts continued...

Adoption...just around the corner.


908 bottles of wine...

Loving yourself...

The Simple Life...

Cheer-Leaders and Lead-Cheerers...

Everything is Meaningless?

What's in a name?

being out there...

So long, Facebook.

A visit to jail...

Writing to be more grateful and thus, more graceful...